Tag: car accident attorney

Car Accident Claim

5 Different Types of Car Accident Claim

When you think of a car accident, the first thing that probably comes to your mind is two vehicles colliding. But there are many types of car accidents that involve not just cars- but pedestrians, motorcycles , uber, etc. You should be aware of the different types of car accidents so that you know what to expect, should it ever happen to you. In this article, we’ll look at the five different types of car accident claims fillings that require the expertise of a car accident attorney. 1. Pedestrian accidents Pedestrians are the most vulnerable when it comes to car accidents. They lack any safety features to protect them against being hit by cars, making the accidents fatal most times. If you have survived a pedestrian accident, you need a car accident attorney to successfully get compensation for filed claims. Visit this site if you’re looking for a car accident attorney. Pedestrian accidents are not exclusive to being hit by a vehicle only. They also include injuries resulting from obstructions on pavements, poor road maintenance, being struck by a falling object, dog bites, and more. You should seek representation, especially for dog bites, from a reputable and highly experienced accident attorney because pedestrian accidents are known to cause life-changing injuries that require both attention and compensation. 2. Bicycle accidents Cycling is a popular means of commuting to different destinations without worrying about traffic or environmental pollution. However, cyclists are vulnerable road users with a risk of getting serious injuries after a road accident. Bicycle accidents are often caused by negligent driving by other road users, poor road conditions, and faulty light systems. Choosing a car accident attorney will aid in getting compensation for your claim after being involved in an accident. Bicycle accidents can have devastating impacts on your life. Accidents affect your ability to work, movement, and mental wellbeing. These accidents also require emergency medical bills you may be incapable of raising due to the inability to work. This shows how vital it is to claim compensation after a bicycle accident. 3. Dram shop accidents Dram shop accidents result from reckless driving due to consuming alcohol served by an establishment. Such are third-party vehicle accident liabilities in which you are allowed to sue the establishment that served the alcohol to the driver. Every state has a different way of handling drunk driving and accident liability. Additionally, the laws governing dram shop claims also differ. Hence, you need to hire a car accident attorney that is well-versed with state laws and can help you make a winnable claim. It is important to note that not all drunk driving-related accidents allow for dram shop liability claims. This claim is applicable under specific circumstances, such as serving alcohol to a minor. 4. Motorcycle collisions Motorcycle accidents are dangerous and fatal in most cases. These accidents also present unique issues when trying to figure out who caused the accident. Therefore, it is crucial to seek guidance from a car accident attorney after involvement in a motorcycle accident. 5. Uber/Lyft or rideshare accidents If you are an uber/Lyft passenger and the driver causes the accident, they are liable for your injuries. The drivers often have insurance coverage from Lyft or Uber; this may not apply to you as a passenger. However, an accident attorney can help ensure the driver compensates you because they are liable for the victim’s injuries. 6. Are you looking for a car accident attorney? The information above provides different types of car accidents that require a car accident attorney to improve chances of successful compensation. All that is left is for you to get an experienced attorney to help with your case and trust them to get you the compensation you deserve. Read Also: How to Handle a Car Accident? Questions To Ask Your Fort Worth Car Accident Lawyer

Car Accident Claim

Important Terminology In Filing For A Car Accident Claim

On a different post, we’ve mentioned steps you can take in filing for a car accident claim. But in addition to knowing what guidelines to follow during the process, it is vital that you understand legal terms frequently used in claim-filing. From your Kansas City car accident attorney to you, below are terminology you will encounter as you file for, investigate, evaluate, and submit your car accident claim. Car Accident Claim-Filing Terms And Definitions- 1. Burden Of Proof: “Burden of proof” is the term used to describe the actual task and act of proving yourself innocent in an accident claim. And proving damages wrought and injuries incurred which you believe (and calculate) worthy of the value you specify in your claim. You, being the plaintiff (the person who is stepping forward to present the claim) have the burden of proof as you “prove” to the courts or the party of the defendant your right to said claim. 2. Liability: “Liability” refers to one’s “debt” or “responsibility”, in coming up with recompense for the car accident and for causing the car accident in the first place. The party that is liable for the car accident claim is also called the “defendant”, “accused”, “appellant”, and “respondent”. Other categories of crime use the term “suspect” as well. Besides pointing out who the liable persons are in a car accident, this can be established and legally determined through pieces of evidence in the accident scene, police reports and related documentation, vehicular damages, injuries, statements from bystanders and witnesses, traffic violations (via recorded evidence), etc. 3. Claim: A legal claim is a request a person can make for court review, wherein you state evidence-supported reasons at the outset, for why the claim is being presented. Technically speaking, a claim falls outside the bounds of a “legal case”, and will transition into it only if the claim is denied and/or a settlement is not concluded. 4. Settlement: In law, a settlement is a conclusion, the coming-to-terms, or the agreement of litigants regarding the particulars mentioned in your claim. Reaching a settlement means that the defendant is amenable to it and is willing to provide compensation for the car accident, with the exact value specified in the same claim. When a settlement is reached, you will not have to escalate the claim into a court case. Also, reaching a settlement should be the goal of your claim-submission. 5. Uninsured Motorist Coverage (UIM): Some states in the U.S., Missouri included, require that drivers sign up for UIM or an Uninsured Motorist Coverage. A UIM is a kind of insurance that protects drivers in the event that the perpetrator of the accident does not have any insurance coverage. Losses, or portions of it, can be covered by the UIM. The amount in a UIM will depend on your policy’s terms and limits. 6. Actual Cash Value: This is a phrase used to define what the damaged automobile’s market value is. Think of it as what the value or “price” your car would have borne right before the accident took place. Read Also: 5 Things To Do Immediately After You Get Into A Car Accident 7 Ways Truck Accidents Differ from the Regular Car Crashes Car Insurance: What You Need To Know Before Taking The One! Used car: simple steps for buying from a reliable cars dealership